
Hey! I'am Ouardia

I'm learning web developpement

Welcome to my first website!

Visit my LinkedIn account Visit my Github account


Who is Ouardia BELAIDI ?

                A computer science student, this is the first websit I work on with basic HTML,CSS
                and JavaScript. I aim to enhance my skills in the tech field. 
                I'm open for contribution offers and Projects. 
                Learn more about my activities : 
GDG Algiers & WTM Algiers Co-organizer
            I had the honor to server the Google Developer Group Algiers community as a Logistics 
            member and then a co-manager.
            GDG Algiers and WTM Algiers are student clubs based at the Higher National School of Computer 
            Science Algiers, and the most active chapters of the GDG program in Algeria and the MENA region. 
            My journey with this amazing community was full of learning and doing cool things that matter,
            and it stills. 
            We organize diverse events and projects which gather the Tech community to learn, exchange 
            and have fun together. 
            GDG Algiers
Women Tech Makers Ambassador
            WTM Logo

            I joined the Women Tech Maker Ambassador program, founded by Google, since 2021. 
            Our role is supporting our local community, especially women,in the Tech field 
            by leading communities,organizing events, hosting talks and mentoring.
            Learn more about us and join our Global Community. 

Contact me